Last week we went over many indoor and outdoor emergency cooking items. This week, I want to give you some emergency cooking tips so you can cook with your full potential, in the quickest time.
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4 Emergency Cooking Tips
1. Try to think of “heating” your food, instead of cooking your food.
If you have food such as canned, dehydrated or freeze dried in store you’ll only be reheating it. That type of food will be much easier to cook and eat vs frozen raw meat. Also, canned beans will be easier to “heat” vs cooking from scratch. Try to plan a weeks worth of meals for easy heating.
2. Stock up on manual kitchen tools.
Many of your electric tools and gadgets won’t work when the power is out. Here are some things to think about:
- Can openers- I recommend having at least 2 on hand… in case one breaks. Opening up cans without a can opener isn’t very fun.
- Hand wheat/grain grinder- We like the Grain Mill by VICTORIO found on Amazon.
We wrote a review about why you might want it and use it here.
- Extra cooking pans and cast iron pans- if you plan to cook over the fire you’ll want to make sure you have the right type of pans to cook with. Having extra also allows you to have a variety of items warming up at the same time.
- Cooking utensils- having the right type of spatulas and spoons to cook with is important. If you use plastic ones, those may melt when using open fire or grill cooking.
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3. Practice cooking with them.
Think about it, the power is out, kids are going crazy and you are all hungry. Is that really the time you want to sit down and pull out your manual on how to cook with your new butane stove? Not really. Most likely, stress levels are high and you have a million other things you are trying to figure out and do.
Take out your emergency cooking items and practice cooking with them. See how long it takes to make a meal without being able to use your hand mixers, instapot or other kitchen gadgets.
The summer time, when the weather is hot and kids like to play in the water all afternoon is a great time to practice emergency cooking. Get your kids involved and teach them out to use it too.
4. Stock up on tin foil.
Tin foil has TONS of uses in emergency cooking. You can cook meals right in the tin foil and on top of your fire. It’s great to cover up food when cooking to keep ashes off, and also keeps your food warm for long periods of time. Not only is it good for emergency cooking, but you can use it to cook on the go too. My husband warmed up his left over pizza by wraping it in tin foil and setting it in the dashboard of his truck over the summer. He had warm, cheesy, gooey pizza for lunch while on a job without the microwave. Tips with using tin foil:
- Use heavy duty stuff
- Wrap it up tight to keep the steam in, or loose to let it out
- Don’t place it directly on top of the fire, but in a warm/hot coal bed
In conclusion
Think about what food you’ll have around, and what food you’ll want to be cooking. As you start practicing and learning to cook with your emergency appliances you’ll learn all kinds of tricks for what works best for your family and situation. Read more about indoor and outdoor cooking options.
What tips do you have? Comment Below
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Further Reading:
7 Tips for Planning Food Storage
The Best Food for your 72 Hour Kit
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