It’s almost the new year! And I’ve got something big in 2018 for you!
The holidays are upon us and life is jolly and a little bit crazy… at least here in the Merrill household. I wanted to give you a heads up about next year, and all the exciting things I’ve got planned.
First things first…
I’m expecting a 4th baby in 3 weeks! We are really nervous and excited to be adding another boy to our little/big family… this means, the beginning of the year will be a little crazy.
But no worries! I want to let you in on a secret… I LOVE BEING ORGANIZED AND PLANNING AHEAD.
So, I’ve got some great challenges this year to help you become fully prepared in 2018.
Whose ready to make 2018 the year of preparedness?
So, stay tuned. These next 2 weeks enjoy time with your family. Have fun with while our kids are out of school…. but on the 1st of January, we are getting started with preparedness.
January we’ll be building and organizing your emergency binder in 1 month!
I’ll give you step by step instructions, and tips on how to do this. I’ve been using an emergency binder for over 3 years and have continued to make adjustments to mine. Using my past experience, and 3 other binders for ideas and guidelines, I’ve created my OWN Emergency Binder… January 1, 2018 this binder will be up for grabs, for FREE! And then from there, I’ll give you simple step by step instructions to complete your binder in one month!
February we’ll start working on your 72-hour kits. 
Since I know these take time… we’ve been adjusting ours for years… I’ll again be offering a free download checklist and guide to build your own 72-hour kit. Over the month we’ll go over the do’s and don’ts, types of food, and other questions related to your 72-hour kit.
March we’ll learn about budgeting and fiances… 
because being prepared for financial emergencies is a MUST! Learn how to start a budget, where people go wrong with budgeting, and tips for living on one income.
April we’ll jump right into food storage. 
We’ll go over a lot of information that can be confusing such as:
- where’s the best place to buy food
- what type of food should you get
- how much is enough food
- top mistakes to not make
Knowing these tips allows you to know what to spend money on, and use your precious money wisely and with the most potential… because we’re all about frugal living and saving money.
I’ve got rest of the year planned too, but don’t want to overwhelm you! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my email list so you get the weekly updates, and LIKE me on Facebook (and tag a friend to the page that would be interested too.)
There will be lot of expert help!
I’ll be emailing and connecting with lots of experts in the field of preparedness as well. Then you don’t only get my tips and experience, but other points of views and others experiences as well!
So, enjoy your holidays!
And we’ll keep in touch!
As always, thanks for reading! Merry Christmas from our family to yours!